The Lighthouse (Cumbria)

The Lighthouse service offered by Carlisle Eden Mind is a crisis support centre, based in Carlisle. It is a calm, safe and comfortable place for people in Carlisle and Eden, to visit when they are experiencing a mental health crisis, feeling unsafe or finding it hard to cope.This service is provided in partnership with the Glenmore Trust.

We are open from 6 pm to 11 pm, every night of the year, when most other services are closed. Visits to the Lighthouse are by appointment only.

This Crisis support service from Carlisle Eden Mind is there for you. If you feel in crisis and would like to visit The Lighthouse, you can ring and refer yourself on 0300 561 0000. We will ask you a few questions about how you’re feeling and what’s going on for you. If you’ve visited The Lighthouse before please call us first to request a further visit. We are based in Carlisle City Centre, close to both the central bus and train stations. Directions will be provided by staff when you call.

You are welcome to visit The Lighthouse as often as feels useful to you, though we do stress that the lighthouse is a crisis support service that is designed to be hear when things may seem at their worst.