Survivors Network

We support survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Sussex. We understand that a healing journey starts with a small step and are here to help you.

Our Helpline & Email service supports survivors of any gender aged 14+ who have experienced sexual violence and/or abuse, no matter when or how it happened. Supporters of survivors (such as parents, friends, or partners) of any gender can call for support and advice. Professionals of any gender can also call. We offer emotional support and signposting.

Our opening hours are Mondays from 7-9pm and Wednesdays from 12-2pm. ​You can call the helpline on 01273 720 110 and speak to a trained female volunteer or staff member for up to 30 minutes. You can also email at any time, for a reply during Helpline & Email support hours on Mondays and Wednesdays.