Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub

We are here to support health and social care staff across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR). With the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19, the mental health and wellbeing of all our staff working across health and social care is of paramount importance. We have come together as an LLR system to ensure that everyone in our valued workforce has the support they need, when they need it, through an enhanced staff support offer.

If you feel you need help, please do not hesitate to ring this number: 0116 2544388 to self-refer into our clinical team now. The Hub is run by experienced clinicians, offering anonymous and confidential psychological support, counselling, and emotional advice, to staff that assess themselves to be, in any way (personally or professionally) affected by Covid-19.

We do so by signposting to appropriate organisational services or refer you directly to a dedicated clinical team of counsellors and therapists.