
For those of you on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic, you face an incredibly tough period. You are being asked to work very long hours, under extremely stressful conditions. You may feel scared, lonely, exhausted or overwhelmed by your day-to-day experiences.

It's important that you have support during this time. Some of you may live alone, or with housemates where it doesn't feel okay for you to share too much about what's going on for you at work. Or you may appreciate an outside ear to minimise any perceived strain on your loved ones. You can't do this alone and it's appropriate and very normal that you may feel in need of some additional help to cope with the emotional, mental and physical challenges of your role.

Let us support you, so you can support others. This is entirely free of charge. We are all in this together.

Please fill out the simple, confidential form. Once we get some basic information from you, we can match you with an experienced psychologist, counsellor or psychotherapist who has offered their professional skills for free. You will then be able to connect on Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. We aim to keep session times as flexible as possible in order that you can be supported when you need it; whether it's to download after a particularly gruelling shift, or to attempt to make sense of your experiences if you have some downtime, we will aim to support you wherever we can.

If you have gender or other preferences of a therapist, please let us know and we'll do our best!