North Somerset Primary Care Liaison Service (PCLS)

For adults in North Somerset locality, including Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead.

The North Somerset Primary Care Liaison Service (PCLS) team is the main integrated referral points into adult secondary mental health services based within North Somerset. The team provides Non-emergency Support, brief interventions, advice and signposting for; service users and potential users of AWP mental health services, their carers and relatives, GPs, Health and Social Care and third sector.

We have multi-disciplinary staffing in the primary care liaison teams: community psychiatric nurses, social workers, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists and consultant psychiatrists. This means that the PCLS team is able to provide appropriate and wide ranging responses, according to individual needs. We work closely with the relevant local authority to provide as seamless a health and social care service as possible.

The Triage function operates 8am to 6pm, Monday - Friday (except Bank Holidays).

The face to face assessment function operates 9am to 5pm, Monday-Friday.