Dial House (Leeds)

Dial House is a place of sanctuary open 6pm–2am every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Visitors can access Dial House when they are in crisis, relax in a homely environment and have an hour of one-to-one support from the team of Crisis Support Workers. At Dial House, we have a family room so parents in crisis can bring children with them. We also transport visitors to and from the house by taxi to ensure their journeys are safe and comfortable. We can also support deaf visitors using BSL. We work regularly with people at the extreme end of mental health crisis, who present with behaviour other services find challenging; with issues such as dissociation, hearing voices, self-harm and plans to end their lives. We aim to provide a compassionate and containing experience for visitors.

If you wish to visit, call or send us a text on the night you want to come.We take referrals between 6pm and 7pm, but when we are very busy we stop taking requests – so please call as early as you can. If it is your first visit, you can turn up at the door between 6pm and 7pm, though you may have to wait until 7:45pm for support (due to meetings and staff breaks). However, it is better if you can phone in advance due to us being very busy. If you’ve visited Dial House before, you must contact us first. If you are a BSL user please contact us first so we can arrange an interpreter.